The Community based services are designed to address social economic needs of the different categories of people in the community. These include;
- Community mobilization activities where the community is guided and trained on how to benefit from the various government programs like the Youth Livelihood Project (YLP), EMYOOGA, UWEP and other Livelihood programs.
- Support to probation cases especially where children and women are un fairly treated Counseling for married couples to reduce on domestic violence which in the end affects children.
- Facilitation of Adult Learning classes Training leaders on Gender related issues.
- Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) Skills enhancement training are done to equip different groups of people (women, youth, PWDs) with special skills to improve their standards of living for example teaching them how to make paper bags, liquid soap, synthetic sponge etc.
- Support to group projects Facilitate youth councils.
- Support the elderly groups with basic needs.
- Support the disabled groups with support devices.
- Support to women councils.
- Support towards cultural activities